
Oh hello, first post I see.

I remember when I was first introduced to planning in middle school when they came out with student planners and we had a seminar teaching us how to use an agenda and why it was important. When i started to implement it into my day, I noticed how much stuff i got done quickly and efficiently since i had a place to jot down my thoughts, notes and important tasks. I took planning with me into college, but i would always use the simple ones you could find in Target or Walmart and wasn’t keeping up with it as much as i should have.

In 2015 i was introduced to the Erin Condren planner, which is when is started taking my organization seriously and I’m pretty sure since then I have had hundreds of different planner styles and set ups. Rings, strings, booklets, and digital. A lot of you already know once you get sucked into the planner world, sometimes it takes forever to find a good setup for your current lifestyle – or what some people call their ”unicorn” and even that can change, as lifestyles may.

I’m very much the nerdy type, i love all things stationary – pens, notebooks, desks, tech. I love leather and natural items. I am a big fan of The Superior Labor craftsmanship so you will see a lot of that on my page. Journaling and artwork is another creative outlet for me. Aside from my stationary obsession I consider myself a very spiritual person, I am heavily involved in fitness, I am a bodybuilding Athlete and i am a bit of a skin care nerd too.

Maybe you like my vibe, and if you do please consider following my social media and keeping up with me on my blog. Thanks for visiting and take care!
